Showing Image 74874

Showing Image 74874

(107k, 1044x788)<br><b>Country:</b> United States<br><b>City:</b> New York<br><b>System:</b> New York City Transit<br><b>Line:</b> IRT West Side Line<br><b>Location:</b> South Ferry (Inner Loop Station)<br><b>Photo by:</b> Matthew Shull<br><b>Date:</b> 8/31/2007<br><b>Notes:</b> View of Abandoned Inner Loop platform from window of 1 Train<br><b>Viewed (this week/total):</b> 6 / 15875
(107k, 1044x788)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: IRT West Side Line
Location: South Ferry (Inner Loop Station)
Photo by: Matthew Shull
Date: 8/31/2007
Notes: View of Abandoned Inner Loop platform from window of 1 Train
Viewed (this week/total): 6 / 15875
Available Image EXIF Data:
Aperture : f/2.8
CCD width : 5.26mm
Camera make : Canon
Camera model : Canon PowerShot S230
Exposure time: 0.125 s (1/8)
Flash used : No
Focal length : 5.4mm (35mm equivalent: 37mm)
Metering Mode: pattern
Resolution : 1044 x 788
Whitebalance : Auto
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