Showing Image 16553

Showing Image 16553

(174k, 824x568)<br><b>Country:</b> United States<br><b>City:</b> San Francisco/Bay Area, CA<br><b>System:</b> SF MUNI<br><b>Line:</b> MUNI Metro (K/M)<br><b>Location:</b> PRW @ Eucalyptus Drive<br><b>Route:</b> M-Ocean View<br><b>Car:</b> SF MUNI Breda LRV 1446 <br><b>Photo by:</b> Eric Haas<br><b>Date:</b> 12/14/2000<br><b>Notes:</b> Not much of a platform at this stop.<br><b>Viewed (this week/total):</b> 1 / 1539
(174k, 824x568)
Country: United States
City: San Francisco/Bay Area, CA
System: SF MUNI
Line: MUNI Metro (K/M)
Location: PRW @ Eucalyptus Drive
Route: M-Ocean View
Car: SF MUNI Breda LRV 1446
Photo by: Eric Haas
Date: 12/14/2000
Notes: Not much of a platform at this stop.
Viewed (this week/total): 1 / 1539
Available Image EXIF Data:
Resolution : 824 x 568
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