Showing Image 114378

Showing Image 114378

(175k, 1024x719)<br><b>Country:</b> United States<br><b>City:</b> New York<br><b>System:</b> New York City Transit<br><b>Line:</b> IRT Flushing Line<br><b>Location:</b> 40th Street/Lowery Street<br><b>Route:</b> 7<br><b>Car:</b> R-36 World's Fair (St. Louis, 1963-64) 9440 <br><b>Collection of:</b> George Conrad Collection<br><b>Date:</b> 5/9/1964<br><b>Notes:</b> State of Rhode Island car.<br><b>Viewed (this week/total):</b> 1 / 3480
(175k, 1024x719)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: IRT Flushing Line
Location: 40th Street/Lowery Street
Route: 7
Car: R-36 World's Fair (St. Louis, 1963-64) 9440
Collection of: George Conrad Collection
Date: 5/9/1964
Notes: State of Rhode Island car.
Viewed (this week/total): 1 / 3480
Available Image EXIF Data:
Camera make : HP
Camera model : HP Scanjet 4800
Resolution : 1024 x 719
This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.