Artwork: "Units of the Free" (Isha Shabaka)

Artwork: "Units of the Free" (Isha Shabaka)

Location: Park Place (BMT Franklin Shuttle)
Installation Year: 1999

Sculptural iron railings in diamonds, diagonals, and an African mask line the entrance stairway.

(image 39940)
(224k, 909x682)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Franklin Shuttle
Location: Park Place
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 3/28/2005
Artwork: Units of the Free, Isha Shabaka, 1999
Viewed (this week/total): 6 / 4679

(image 39941)
(271k, 909x682)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Franklin Shuttle
Location: Park Place
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 3/28/2005
Artwork: Units of the Free, Isha Shabaka, 1999
Viewed (this week/total): 6 / 4554

(image 28815)
(474k, 1220x920)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Franklin Shuttle
Location: Park Place
Photo by: Richard Panse
Date: 2/29/2004
Artwork: Units of the Free, Isha Shabaka, 1999
Notes: Street entrance
Viewed (this week/total): 3 / 7709
This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.