
SubTalk Archive 5/2001

Thread title: Malbone Street, here we come! (216751)
Started on Tue May 1 01:16:13 2001, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: finally rode a MBTA Type-8 (216752)
Started on Tue May 1 01:20:06 2001, by Dand124

Thread title: R143s....did they arrive? (216755)
Started on Tue May 1 01:40:10 2001, by Nick

Thread title: New Amtrak NEC Schedule Books? (216767)
Started on Tue May 1 08:10:23 2001, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Question About Diesel Engines (216770)
Started on Tue May 1 08:18:48 2001, by Arti

Thread title: Robert Kiley in London: update (216780)
Started on Tue May 1 08:52:07 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Tunnel Vision: track geometry car (216789)
Started on Tue May 1 09:26:45 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Construction @ 28th Street Station (216827)
Started on Tue May 1 11:04:16 2001, by Arti

Thread title: "D" G.O. (216832)
Started on Tue May 1 11:15:12 2001, by transitbuff

Thread title: When the Zero Changes (216839)
Started on Tue May 1 11:44:12 2001, by R36 #9346

Thread title: Dovetail of on going plans and ideas (216841)
Started on Tue May 1 11:46:52 2001, by avid reader

Thread title: Wish List (216842)
Started on Tue May 1 11:48:55 2001, by avid reader

Thread title: Drawings (216843)
Started on Tue May 1 11:55:19 2001, by R36 #9346

Thread title: Shocking Finding in NEWSDAY: Subway Signs Often Incorrect (216846)
Started on Tue May 1 12:01:48 2001, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Pictures of April Fool's Day field trip and SEPTA (216852)
Started on Tue May 1 12:20:22 2001, by BMTJeff

Thread title: Movie "Dark Days" (216856)
Started on Tue May 1 12:31:44 2001, by marty

Thread title: Incorrect signage on subways (216875)
Started on Tue May 1 14:08:50 2001, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Extend the Subway to the Airports (216890)
Started on Tue May 1 16:00:35 2001, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: Today in Railroad History (216903)
Started on Tue May 1 16:40:54 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Inshot on R142A? (216940)
Started on Tue May 1 19:11:59 2001, by Jeff H.

Thread title: whats this about LIRR branch becoming a Subway line? (216946)
Started on Tue May 1 20:01:28 2001, by E to JAMAICA CENTER

Thread title: 1888 was a vintage year (216954)
Started on Tue May 1 20:52:35 2001, by E_DOG

Thread title: This is why we love public transportation! (216975)
Started on Tue May 1 22:21:21 2001, by David Cole

Thread title: Today's Commute with Railfans (long and boring) (216985)
Started on Tue May 1 22:38:37 2001, by Train Dude

Thread title: More Treasures from and Anonymous Benifactor (216989)
Started on Tue May 1 22:52:24 2001, by Train Dude

Thread title: Are We Interested in SubTalk Live? (216991)
Started on Tue May 1 22:58:45 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Subway tunnels under/through buildings (216994)
Started on Tue May 1 23:08:58 2001, by The Tunnel Rat

Thread title: Subway Author Joins Subtalk (216998)
Started on Tue May 1 23:39:55 2001, by Gerald Davis

Thread title: I rode LA's subway this weekend (217002)
Started on Tue May 1 23:56:14 2001, by Gerald Davis

Thread title: Coney Island and Trolley Photo (217039)
Started on Wed May 2 09:19:57 2001, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: NYCTS Boxcar! (217052)
Started on Wed May 2 09:47:21 2001, by Karl B

Thread title: Lower Montauk - mainline connection? (217055)
Started on Wed May 2 09:54:17 2001, by American Pig

Thread title: LaGuardia Airport and noise (somewhat off-topic) (217058)
Started on Wed May 2 09:58:40 2001, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Correction to subway line street running (217068)
Started on Wed May 2 10:15:43 2001, by American Pig

Thread title: Another driver killed by NJT train (217091)
Started on Wed May 2 11:08:27 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Central Jersey train-related brush fires (217095)
Started on Wed May 2 11:20:39 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: This is a test. (217137)
Started on Wed May 2 14:12:40 2001, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Two levels at Nostrand Ave. (217144)
Started on Wed May 2 15:15:14 2001, by D TRAIN-R68

Thread title: Another "In Poor Taste" Item removed from E-Bay (NOT TRANSIT RELATER) (217146)
Started on Wed May 2 15:19:39 2001, by Train Dude

Thread title: GOH AND LOST COLORS (217149)
Started on Wed May 2 15:31:32 2001, by D TRAIN-R68

Thread title: This really stinks (217157)
Started on Wed May 2 16:27:25 2001, by David Cole

Thread title: PATCO Line shut down partially (217171)
Started on Wed May 2 17:27:42 2001, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: SubTalk Live Poll Closes in 25 Hours (9 PM 5-3-01) (217207)
Started on Wed May 2 20:03:10 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Basement doors to the tunnels (217214)
Started on Wed May 2 20:28:04 2001, by Tunnel Rat

Thread title: Acela Express Movies (217219)
Started on Wed May 2 20:47:36 2001, by Chao-Hwa Chen

Thread title: Circus train derailed (217222)
Started on Wed May 2 20:53:52 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Kawasaki Yonkers plant and worker abuse (217225)
Started on Wed May 2 21:07:21 2001, by BX New Flyer Artic Guy

Thread title: Famous METRA video (217250)
Started on Wed May 2 22:24:51 2001, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: A train vs. AirTrain: some clarifications on my position (217255)
Started on Wed May 2 22:41:22 2001, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Question to Brits Out There (217285)
Started on Thu May 3 02:16:16 2001, by Arti

Thread title: R143's Transfer (217296)
Started on Thu May 3 07:53:38 2001, by Robert (B Division T/O)

Thread title: New Bullets (217316)
Started on Thu May 3 10:37:05 2001, by R36 #9346

Thread title: Another suicide by NJT (217318)
Started on Thu May 3 10:46:58 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Railfan windows: was car assignmens on the A line (217324)
Started on Thu May 3 11:04:36 2001, by bigedirtmanl

Thread title: Eating of Crow (217343)
Started on Thu May 3 11:36:56 2001, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Nostalgia Train (217355)
Started on Thu May 3 11:56:39 2001, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Paying for Second Avenue Subway (217399)
Started on Thu May 3 15:13:33 2001, by mpk0

Thread title: If i won the lottery..... (217403)
Started on Thu May 3 15:35:02 2001, by Karl M,Ex New Yorker :(

Thread title: TO R36 #9346....PLEASE RESPOND (217411)
Started on Thu May 3 16:04:32 2001, by D4000 Cruiser

Thread title: Newark subway: morning of 5.3.2001 (217414)
Started on Thu May 3 16:31:36 2001, by Joe

Thread title: REMINDER: SubTalk Live Survey closes at 9 PM TONIGHT (217418)
Started on Thu May 3 16:39:28 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Two WMATA News Bytes (217431)
Started on Thu May 3 17:42:02 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Chigaco SubTalkers (or anyone else who might know): CTA Exterior Light Question (217441)
Started on Thu May 3 18:48:54 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Hot weather subway quiz (217443)
Started on Thu May 3 19:03:28 2001, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Railfanning on the Broadway El: The E_DOG in New York (217445)
Started on Thu May 3 19:38:42 2001, by E_DOG

Thread title: Susie Q fighting North Bergen, threatens to hold HBLR hostage (217455)
Started on Thu May 3 20:31:57 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Rebuilt Metra bilevels en route to VRE (217457)
Started on Thu May 3 20:44:09 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: SubTalk Live Poll Results Are In! Chatting to Commence on Date to be Announced (217465)
Started on Thu May 3 21:22:38 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Web Pole (217475)
Started on Thu May 3 21:55:44 2001, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: I met Eric Richmond today (217476)
Started on Thu May 3 21:56:02 2001, by Hart Bus

Thread title: John Q. Public on Second Ave. (217480)
Started on Thu May 3 22:17:51 2001, by Tmennel

Thread title: Original Station Platform Lengths of the IND (217539)
Started on Fri May 4 08:48:44 2001, by R36 #9346

Thread title: I Saw the Sign (217540)
Started on Fri May 4 08:56:17 2001, by R36 #9346

Thread title: NYCT Misses Golden Design Opportunity (217544)
Started on Fri May 4 09:24:16 2001, by Mitch45

Thread title: Another R142 Horror Story Last Night on the IRT (217545)
Started on Fri May 4 09:30:54 2001, by Mitch45

Thread title: Question to SELKIRK (217566)
Started on Fri May 4 10:36:32 2001, by Third Rail

Thread title: R143's trucks (217579)
Started on Fri May 4 11:17:37 2001, by Robert (B Division T/O)

Thread title: R143s and KHI Yonkers Plant (217600)
Started on Fri May 4 12:50:14 2001, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: NYCT Subway Scrap Yards (217603)
Started on Fri May 4 13:18:06 2001, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Where Do You Say You Live? (217605)
Started on Fri May 4 13:45:18 2001, by Paul Matus

Thread title: For the first time I saw a Acela Train!! (217627)
Started on Fri May 4 15:42:34 2001, by Orion5 #135

Thread title: SEPTA Market St. El Problems (217670)
Started on Fri May 4 17:39:25 2001, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: D.C. Metro Extensions? (217685)
Started on Fri May 4 19:01:21 2001, by Randy B.

Thread title: Finding model subway cars (217686)
Started on Fri May 4 19:13:44 2001, by will london

Thread title: Recent LIRR Abandoned Far Rockaway Line Photos (217691)
Started on Fri May 4 20:24:18 2001, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: london info (217714)
Started on Fri May 4 21:39:18 2001, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: Familiar faces in strange places....R's to Parsons? (217738)
Started on Fri May 4 22:21:10 2001, by Kevin Walsh

Started on Fri May 4 22:51:07 2001, by jclandmarks.org

Thread title: Hot town-a rant (217744)
Started on Fri May 4 23:05:03 2001, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: LIRR Central Branch (217766)
Started on Sat May 5 00:39:04 2001, by Train Dude

Thread title: Frivolous G.O. on the #4 Line in the Bronx (217768)
Started on Sat May 5 00:41:19 2001, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: Boston Type 8 Railfanning on Friday (217783)
Started on Sat May 5 02:54:08 2001, by Nick

Started on Sat May 5 08:01:16 2001, by jclandmarks.org

Thread title: Brighton Tour Sunday, May 6 (217803)
Started on Sat May 5 08:38:43 2001, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Transit Desktop with Webshots (217838)
Started on Sat May 5 11:54:12 2001, by Old Tom

Thread title: An R32 Question (217866)
Started on Sat May 5 13:53:43 2001, by Metro-Houston NFI D40LF No. 4054

Thread title: E to JAMAICA CENTER gets accepted to City Tech college! (217878)
Started on Sat May 5 14:49:13 2001, by E to JAMAICA CENTER

Thread title: NY Daily News article & error (217879)
Started on Sat May 5 14:49:15 2001, by Randy B.

Thread title: E to JAMAICA CENTER gets accepted to City Tech college! (217880)
Started on Sat May 5 14:49:42 2001, by E to JAMAICA CENTER

Thread title: Curiosity Question about Automobiles Fitted for Rails (217899)
Started on Sat May 5 16:12:00 2001, by RonInBayside

Thread title: R143's Transfer pic (217907)
Started on Sat May 5 16:27:19 2001, by Robert (B Division T/O)

Started on Sat May 5 16:55:25 2001, by Professor Putter

Thread title: METROCARD MANIA!! Fun With Used MetroCards! (217921)
Started on Sat May 5 17:07:39 2001, by Professor Putter

Thread title: R14,15,16,21 & 22 (217938)
Started on Sat May 5 18:56:37 2001, by amin peralta

Thread title: The D was a mess today (217939)
Started on Sat May 5 18:58:54 2001, by Qtraindash7

Started on Sat May 5 20:57:24 2001, by jclandmarks.org

Thread title: Q and the 2 (217961)
Started on Sat May 5 21:04:38 2001, by ScottinSF

Thread title: Third track being bulit from broad channel to the north channel bridge (217977)
Started on Sat May 5 21:41:58 2001, by michael

Thread title: Board/Department of Transportation (217978)
Started on Sat May 5 21:42:08 2001, by American Pig

Thread title: Reactivating the Rockaway line w/o NIMBY complaints (217979)
Started on Sat May 5 21:42:19 2001, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Railfanning Questions (217991)
Started on Sat May 5 21:58:04 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: City Hall (217992)
Started on Sat May 5 22:00:34 2001, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Railfanning Questions READ THIS ONE!!! (217993)
Started on Sat May 5 22:00:44 2001, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: I told you the R-40s would get new rollsigns! (217994)
Started on Sat May 5 22:01:48 2001, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Blessed Relief!!!! (217999)
Started on Sat May 5 22:07:13 2001, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Two Important Annivrsaries In Philly (218057)
Started on Sun May 6 00:58:16 2001, by buddtrainzrule

Thread title: R-32 GE Rebuilds (218060)
Started on Sun May 6 01:27:53 2001, by Bill Newkirk

Started on Sun May 6 01:47:06 2001, by jclandmarks.org

Thread title: Myrtle Avenue BRT Question (218062)
Started on Sun May 6 02:10:08 2001, by Euclid Avenue A Train

Thread title: Transit Nightmare! (218085)
Started on Sun May 6 10:49:12 2001, by Old Tom

Thread title: What happens now? (218088)
Started on Sun May 6 11:03:29 2001, by SubBus

Thread title: Railfanning. READ THIS ONE (218153)
Started on Sun May 6 15:39:56 2001, by E to JAMAICA CENTER

Thread title: R-68 (Hippo) Speeds on the C.P.W. increasing. (218172)
Started on Sun May 6 17:25:17 2001, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Is This You? (218176)
Started on Sun May 6 17:58:02 2001, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: to DawheelFlange (218178)
Started on Sun May 6 18:18:14 2001, by E to JAMAICA CENTER

Thread title: Missing word on Coney Island sign (218182)
Started on Sun May 6 19:01:46 2001, by J C Gridlock

Thread title: A movie I saw and a question (218183)
Started on Sun May 6 19:16:36 2001, by CWalNYC

Thread title: R62A 1660-56 @ 240 St Yard today (218184)
Started on Sun May 6 19:18:37 2001, by amin peralta

Thread title: Newark to NYP service suspended Sat nite (218190)
Started on Sun May 6 19:47:50 2001, by chuchubob

Thread title: Directions to 14 Boerum Place, Brooklyn (218199)
Started on Sun May 6 20:54:30 2001, by Directionless

Thread title: PATH as part of MTA (218201)
Started on Sun May 6 20:58:22 2001, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: An R143 Interior With Red Seats (218234)
Started on Sun May 6 22:12:26 2001, by R68A - 5200

Thread title: Porky Announcement (218239)
Started on Sun May 6 22:40:53 2001, by American Pig

Thread title: An R68 Question (218255)
Started on Sun May 6 23:46:29 2001, by Metro-Houston NFI D40LF No. 4054

Thread title: One More Question: A Redbird Question (218299)
Started on Mon May 7 06:37:19 2001, by Metro-Houston NFI D40LF No. 4054

Thread title: Odd Take on Transit and Urban Problems (218314)
Started on Mon May 7 08:51:37 2001, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Worst Subway Station Messes, Per the NY Post (218324)
Started on Mon May 7 09:46:43 2001, by Mitch45

Thread title: St. Louis Metrolink (218327)
Started on Mon May 7 09:52:39 2001, by Dave

Thread title: New York's Pneumatic Subway (but not Beach's!) (218330)
Started on Mon May 7 10:14:08 2001, by Keystone Pete